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Second joint in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-08-28Updated:2024-08-28
Similar words: rigid jointhinged jointin the second placeadjoinconjointadjoiningconjointlysecondMeaning: n. the upper joint of the leg of a fowl. 
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(1) A second joint venture is to be formed later this year, designated the Integration Office.
(2) The second joint of forefinger was chosen as the testing site.
(3) Tail docked at approximately second joint, appears to be a continuation of the spine, and is carried only slightly above the horizontal when the dog is alert.
(4) In the second joint image, the reference image is contrast reversal.
(5) Swire Travel is currently in the process of setting up a second joint venture agency in Shanghai in the aim to continually expand its client base.
(6) Sri Lanka's military said it was the end of the civil war in Sri Lanka 2009, Sri Lanka and India since the second joint military exercises.
(7) After Taipei, the works will travel to Belgium for the couple's second joint solo exhibition in Europe, the first having been in Switzerland.
(8) Fingers should be bent, the index finger, two joints, the first of which is to bend, the second joint is straight .
(9) It is my great pleasure to join you at the Confucius Institute of London South Bank University for the Second Joint Conference of European Confucius Institutes.
(10) The fibers will be processed into lightweight fabrics at a second joint venture site in Germany.
More similar words: rigid jointhinged jointin the second placeadjoinconjointadjoiningconjointlysecondjoint controladjoining roomsecondersecondlysecondarysecond handsecond-handsecondhandsecond runpicosecondsecond to nonesecond-yearsecond basesecond bestsplit secondsecond selfsecond windsecond matesecond gearsecondmentattosecondsecond-best
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